
Showing posts from September, 2023

My dream job

Today I'm going to talk about my dream job. I've always dreamed about having a job with a flexible schedule, starting the day at 9 a.m. and finishing at 5 p.m. But if I'm honest, I haven't thought a lot about it because I'm in my second semester of Architecture and I don't know in which area I'm going to specialize. Besides, I would like to work in the program "Servicio País", because I want to visit small towns in Chile and help people, and I would like to work in another country too. I think that this kind of job requires creativity, teamwork, and responsibility. The salary is a theme that I definitely haven't thought about, so when it gets my turn to work, I'm going to do it, but in the beginning, probably it won't be much because we don't have any experience at all. I haven't worked in my life, so it will be a completely new experience. I can't wait to work and be more independent.

The best holidays ever

Almost every summer, my family and I go to different cities for vacation. One of those times, we went to Punta Arenas. It was the summer of 2022. We were eleven relatives, my parents, sister, cousins, uncle and aunt. We went on a plane and stayed there for almost a week. Even though it was summer, the weather there was like we were on autumn. The days were windy, and rainy some times. We tried  some typical food such as "choripan" and "leche con plátano". It was delicious!. Also, we visited the president's tree and there was a lot of people trying to climb it. It's like an attraction of the city. The last day we spent there, we crossed the "Estrecho de Magallanes" to go to Tierra del Fuego. There we went to a penguin reserve, but on the road, we saw some guanacos. It was so beautiful. Before we went to the airport, we stopped in a historic place called "Fuerte Bulnes". It was a place where people defended the city from the sea attacks.